Wednesday, April 21, 2010

DIY couch cover --the lazy way.

I GOT NEW CARPET!! And since I did....I thought it was a good time to move things around! While re-arranging and came up with too many couches in one room and too little seating in another. My little boys room needed a seat to read stories on before bedtime and to jump off of and reek havoc with at all other times. So we toted in this beauty from the other room. We got this couch for free from a friend a long while ago, and they are sturdy and beautiful but not the right style for my son's room. Which I love so dearly. Its perfectly co-ordinated and big floofy flowers just threw it all off. I looked into couch covers. EXPENSIVE. I geuss I could have left it...but I JUST COULDN'T. Floral for little boys...not cute.

I went to the clearance section at Walmart. (I know not everyone is a Walmart fan---but----if I can get a BRAND NEW sheet set for 25 CENTS, well....I am sold.) This is a King size sheet. I simply folded and stuck pins in at crucial places. Lets see how it holds together...but its washable, its cheap, and in my looks good!And my son's favorite part of the room: Tissue Paper "clouds"
from Martha Stewarts blog.

(he thinks they are "loons!" (balloons)Use what you have! You can make your home beautiful without spending tons of money. Move things around, use a little fabric, try your local freecycle, and have fun!


  1. dang got that for 25 cents?! i would've bought it too. (even if i didn't need it at the moment!) and i think you're completely don't have to spend a lot of money to a cute way! i've been obsessed with decorating lately and i don't even have my own place yet! haha! you are creative it doesn't surprise me that you came up with this! Keep the posts coming :):)
    -Nicole K.

  2. Oh, it looks fabulous! (and the 'loons are pretty great, too. :-))

  3. I love it! Great idea!

  4. Okay, so basically I need you to come and help me. I cannot stand the idea of spending a lot of money since I know this is not permanent, but we will be here for a couple years and would love to have some color and a little decorating.

  5. This does look good! AND you can change the color whenever you want! I will be doing this to my couch, once I'm moved.
