Sunday, November 15, 2009

A little gift, for a little friend

This weekend I made a cute, inexpensive gift for a 2 year old birthday.
It is a watercolor kit.
I was inspired by what I saw here. Amazing...and simple!

Do you remember the Water Coloring Books,
from when you were a kid?
You paint with water and then colors appear on the page.

It was simple to do.
You need: Watercolor paper, and watercolor pencils (and a place to print) Believe it or not...I picked both of those items up at Walmart for under $6.00. I am thinking cute little Christmas girl can give to her little friends.

Cut your watercolor paper into squares the size of the book you want, I folded my paper into 4 squares and cut them. Then you can print clip art onto it, or draw pictures in pencil. I drew mine. Then take you water color pencils and go around the borders of the picture, and color in lightly. Ta-Da! Include a few little paintbrushes in an envelope...super cute. Here are some of the pictures I made:I am planning on making a BLUES CLUES book for my daughters birthday.


  1. SO CUTE!!!!! And such a great idea. I do remember those books from growing up. I wonder how much it would cost if I used a coupon at Micheal's?

  2. Sweet!!!! My sister and I wanted to make those this past summer, as an activity for the littles at a family reunion, but we never got it done.

    The fact that I CAN'T DRAW might have something to do with it. LOL
